Monday, 21 March 2011


Do you know what I don't understand about the USA. Why are so many people from crappy reality TV shows so famous? Does the public realise that while they're working their boring 9 to 5 jobs, they're making these abominations to mankind millions of dollars. I mean while you're working hard to pay off your mortgage, someone like Snooki is getting rich and writing best sellers and for what, acting like a promiscuous alcoholic degenerate. Not to mention the fact that she's ugly as sin , fat, orange and basically resembles a basketball.

I mean the fact that she's famous for acting like someone you'd enjoy kicking the crap out of is depressing enough, but she wrote a best seller. Are you kidding me? Who in their right mind would buy a book written by that pathetic piece of trash. What kind of kids are you people raising? Maybe you should work a little less and focus on raising children who aren't total idiots. I haven't read the book or even seen it in my life, but I'm pretty sure it goes something like " Hello, My name is Snooki. I'm a fat ugly attention seeker with no brain and no grasp on reality, but I'm sure some retard will buy this book, so ha ha, thank god there's people dumber than me in the world".

So just think about that, think about the fact that while your working 40 hours or more per week, some annoying swamp thing is living in a mansion, because you've raised children who are stupid enough spend money on the crap people like Snookie are  producing. It truly is a sad state of affairs. SHE LOOKS LIKE A GOD DAMN OOMPA LOOMPA, WAKE UP LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.

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